mardi 11 octobre 2011


There are a lot of mountain ranges in the world. The most famous are the Andes,the Himalaya, the Alps, etc. All of them could be affected by climate change, in different ways, with different consequences more or less serious. The mountains are an indicator of climate change and are highly sensitive. Moreover, many climatologists believe that the changes that take place in mountain ecosystems provide an overview of what could occur in other regions. It is therefore vital to monitor and study the biological and physical components of the mountains. The information on the health of mountain environments will undoubtedly governments and international organizations to develop management strategies and strong campaigns to reverse the current trends in global warming. In this blog i will particularly focus on the Alps, the way the climate changed over the centuries. Passing by warm period, cold period, ice ages. Which consequences for which change? What is the futur for the Alps and it's ecosystem? What is the role of human activities? I will discuss all that question with the study about the Alps, the evolution and the futur of this montain range.                                         

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